Amiga Magazin: Amiga-CD 1997 September & October
Amiga-CD 1997 #9-10.iso
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392 lines
;; $Final Writer Demo Hard Drive Installation Script German Version $
;; $Date: 1995/11/03 16:27:08 $
;; $Revision: 1.3 $
;; Deutsche Uebersetzung: Helmut Eisenkolb
(set is_update 0)
(set @user-level 1) ; force to use average mode
(complete 0)
; Installation Disk Names
(set #install_disk_1 "AMIGA-Magazin-PD")
; File/drawer names that change with different language versions.
(set #fw_drawer "FinalWriter_Demo_D")
; LHex file
(set #lhex_program
(cat #install_disk_1
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; TEXT TRANSLATION SHOULD BEGIN HERE - Translate everything in quotes.
(set #which_drawer_prompt
(cat "In welchem Laufwerk oder Unterverzeichnis soll das Verzeichnis für die Final Writer Demo"
" erstellt werden?"
(set #which_drawer_help
(cat "Das Installationsprogramm wird ein Verzeichnis namens \""
"\" in der ausgewählten Disk bzw. Verzeichnis erstellen. Alle \"Final Writer\" "
"Dateien werden in dieses neue Verzeichnis kopiert.\n\n"
(set #disk_space_prompt
(cat "Es ist vermutlich nicht genug Platz für die Installation von \""
"\" auf diesem Laufwerk. Wollen Sie trotzdem fortfahren?"
(set #disk_space_help
(cat #fw_drawer
" benötigt ungefähr 2.5 Megabyte für eine komplette Installation. "
"Falls die Final Writer Demo in dem Verzeichnis bereits installiert ist, "
"können Sie fortfahren. Andernfalls bitte ABORT oder NO auswählen und "
"entweder Platz auf dieser Partition schaffen, oder eine andere Partition "
"für die Installation auswählen."
(set #disk_space_abort
(cat #fw_drawer
" Installation abgebrochen, nicht genug Speicherplatz auf dieser Partition. \""
(set #update_options_prompt
(cat "Welche Teile möchten Sie updaten?"
(set #update_choice_0 "Final Writer Demo Programm")
(set #update_choice_1 "System-Dateien")
(set #update_choice_2 "System-Libraries")
(set #update_choice_3 "System-Schriftarten")
(set #ask_disk_prompt
(cat "\n\nBitte \"%s\" in ein beliebiges Laufwerk einlegen."
(set #ask_disk1_help
(cat "\"%s\" enthält das Final Writer Programm, Libraries, System-Schriftarten, und Daten, die installiert werden.\n\n"
(set #install_program "Installiere Final Writer Programm von \"%s\".")
(set #install_program_icon "Installiere Final Writer Programm und Icon von \"%s\".")
(set #install_datafiles "Installiere Daten von \"%s\".")
(set #install_libs "Installiere Libraries von \"%s\".")
(set #install_sysfonts "Installiere System-Schriftarten von \"%s\".")
(set #install_program_err "Fehler bei der Installation des Final Writer Programmes.")
(set #install_datafiles_err "Fehler bei der Installation der Daten.")
(set #install_libs_err "Fehler bei der Installation der Libraries.")
(set #install_sysfonts_err "Fehler bei der Installation der System-Schriftarten.")
(set #kickstart_err
(cat "Sie benötigen Workbench 2.04 oder höher um Final Writer zu installieren! "
"(Workbench Version 37.67 und Kickstart 37.175 oder höher.)"
; TEXT TRANSLATION SHOULD END HERE - nothing below needs translation.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; make sure we are running under V37 or higher...
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
(abort #kickstart_err)
; Ask where to install Final Writer.
(set FW_dest
(prompt #which_drawer_prompt)
(help #which_drawer_help @askdir-help)
(default @default-dest)
; Check if this is an update
; the FWLibs directory is a tell-tale sign
; that FW is already installed here
(if (exists (tackon FW_dest "FWLibs"))
(set is_update 1)
( (if (exists (tackon FW_dest #fw_drawer))
(set is_update 1)
(makedir (tackon FW_dest #fw_drawer) (infos))
(set FW_dest (tackon FW_dest #fw_drawer))
(set @default-dest FW_dest)
(set disk_space (getdiskspace FW_dest))
; If first time installation, install all
(if (NOT is_update)
(set install_all 1)
(set disk_space_needed 2810183) ; 2.68 Megs
;Check if enough disk space is available.
(if (AND (< disk_space disk_space_needed) (NOT is_update))
(set answer1
(prompt #disk_space_prompt)
(help #disk_space_help)
(if (NOT answer1)
(abort #disk_space_abort
(getdevice @default-dest)
; Allow updating user to select what they want updated.
(if is_update
(set install_options
(prompt #update_options_prompt)
(help @askoptions-help)
#update_choice_0 ; Program
#update_choice_1 ; System Data Files
#update_choice_2 ; System Libraries
#update_choice_3) ; System Fonts
(default 15) ; default to Program, Files, Libs, Fonts
; First time install
(if install_all
(set install_options 15) ; hex F - all four options on
; Copy the extraction utility over and remember where it is
(source #lhex_program)
(dest FW_dest)
(set DeArcher (tackon FW_dest "lhex"))
(set error 0)
; Installing Files on Disk 1?
(if (IN install_options 0 1 2)
; Get Disk 1
(prompt (#ask_disk_prompt #install_disk_1))
(help (#ask_disk1_help #install_disk_1))
(dest #install_disk_1)
; If installing/updating the program
(if (IN install_options 0)
; Make installer cd into FW_dest when it executes the run statement
(set @execute-dir FW_dest)
; copy the Final Writer program over if the program
; icon doesn't exists copy it over too.
( if (exists (tackon FW_dest "FinalWriter.info"))
; This DOES NOT copy the icon, in case the user
; has modified the tool-types
(working (#install_program #install_disk_1))
(set error
("\"%s\" -f x \"AMIGA-Magazin-PD:FinalWriter.lha\" FinalWriter >NIL:" DeArcher)
; This DOES copy the icon
(working (#install_program_icon #install_disk_1))
(set error
("\"%s\" -f x \"AMIGA-Magazin-PD:FinalWriter.lha\" >NIL:" DeArcher)
(if error
(abort #install_program_err)
(complete 25)
; Installing FWFiles
(if (IN install_options 1)
; If FWFiles doesn't exist, create it.
(if (NOT (exists (tackon FW_dest "FWFiles")))
(makedir (tackon FW_dest "FWFiles") (infos))
; Make installer cd into FWFiles when it executes the run statement
(set @execute-dir (tackon FW_dest "FWFiles"))
; Extract the files
(working (#install_datafiles #install_disk_1))
(set error
("\"%s\" -f x \"AMIGA-Magazin-PD:FWFiles.lha\" >NIL:" DeArcher)
; Abort if any errors
(if error
(abort #install_datafiles_err)
(complete 50)
; Installing FWLibs
(if (IN install_options 2)
; If FWLibs doesn't exist, create it.
(if (NOT (exists (tackon FW_dest "FWLibs")))
(makedir (tackon FW_dest "FWLibs"))
; Make installer cd into FWLibs when it executes the run statement
(set @execute-dir (tackon FW_dest "FWLibs"))
(working (#install_libs #install_disk_1))
(set error
("\"%s\" -f x \"AMIGA-Magazin-PD:FWLibs.lha\" >NIL:" DeArcher)
; Abort if any errors
(if error
(abort #install_libs_err)
(run ("Avail FLUSH"))
(complete 75)
; Installing System Fonts
(if (IN install_options 3)
; Get Disk 1
(prompt (#ask_disk_prompt #install_disk_1))
(help (#ask_disk1_help #install_disk_1))
(dest #install_disk_1)
; Installing FWFonts
(if (IN install_options 3)
; If FWFonts doesn't exist, create it.
(if (NOT (exists (tackon FW_dest "FWFonts")))
(makedir (tackon FW_dest "FWFonts") (infos))
; Make installer cd into FWFonts when it executes the run statement
(set @execute-dir (tackon FW_dest "FWFonts"))
(working (#install_sysfonts #install_disk_1))
(set error
("\"%s\" -f x \"AMIGA-Magazin-PD:FWFonts.lha\" >NIL:" DeArcher)
; Abort if any errors
(if error
(abort #install_sysfonts_err)
; If FWDocs doesn't exist, create it.
(if (NOT (exists (tackon FW_dest "FWDocs")))
(makedir (tackon FW_dest "FWDocs") (infos))
; If FWClipArt doesn't exist, create it.
(if (NOT (exists (tackon FW_dest "FWClipArt")))
(makedir (tackon FW_dest "FWClipArt") (infos))
; If FWTextClips doesn't exist, create it.
(if (NOT (exists (tackon FW_dest "FWTextClips")))
(makedir (tackon FW_dest "FWTextClips") (infos))
(delete DeArcher)
(complete 100)